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Calton Hill closure

Dear Cllr Lewis,

I'm writing to you in your capacity as Edinburgh's 'events champion' about the proposed closure of Calton Hill on Hogmanay ( 

My understanding is that Calton Hill is a public space, collectively owned by the people of Edinburgh. I'd therefore be grateful if you could advise me of the precise legal basis on which a person - me, for example - can have their right of access to this space blocked by a security guard working for a private firm such as G4S.

Can you also advise whether G4S stewards are legally empowered to use any physical force or restraint to prevent members of the public gaining access to Calton Hill?

Yours sincerely,

David Jackson Young

(India Street)

[This enquiry was e-mailed to Councillor Lewis on 23 December but has not yet received a reply. We reproduce it with permission.]