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To pee, or not to pee, that is the question

Dear Spurtle 

I recently had an interesting exchange (shorthand for shouting match) with a lady on Fettes Row who objected to my dog widdling on the railings there. 

I tried to explain to her that, as far as I know, there is nothing in the law of Scotland which prevents a dog widdling in a public place – whether it be on railings, grass, shrubbery, etc. That, at least, is my layman’s interpretation of the Dogs (Scotland) Act.

The lady in question was clearly not persuaded. I offered to accompany her to Gayfield Police Station for an 'official' view. Alas, she declined. So we are no further forward.

I have no wish to engage in a 'widdle war' and consequently wonder if any of your readers can offer advice on this vexed issue?

John Ross

(Dundas Street)


@theSpurtle @dugsNpubs @TheWallyDug Only on Fettes Row... #TakingTheP

@theSpurtle @dugsNpubs @TheWallyDug soul doin his bit to clear the snow in winter

@theSpurtle I think it's the ASBO legislation your correspondent needs to acquaint himself with.

  New Town Flâneur ‏@NewTownFlaneur

@theSpurtle Having researched Dundas Man in his natural habitat, I'm sceptical of the claim that it was the dog widdling on the railings.

@theSpurtle @dugsNpubs @TheWallyDug My experience of living in the'New Town' it's the many pratts residing in the area who are the problem.

@NTCleanStreets @theSpurtle Is the Duffers (Scotland) Act not the relevant legislation in this matter?

Correct, or he could simply learn some basic good manners. Common courtesy and respect cost nothing. @NewTownFlaneur @theSpurtle

@kaylan_geekie @theSpurtle @dugsNpubs @TheWallyDug Unfortunately I have to agree - especially Stockbridge( can that be classed as New Town?)

@dryerre @theSpurtle @dugsNpubs @TheWallyDug Yes, lived their too; similar in many ways, so drab.

Wendy Dryerre ‏@dryerre 

@kaylan_geekie @theSpurtle @dugsNpubs @TheWallyDug Certainly is - if you don't speak loud or are in charge of a buggy - you are out!!

 Fraser Cook as a "basement dwellers" . I don't really enjoy the thought of dog wee being deposited on me as i sit on my own property below pavement level.

 Paul O'Regan Precisely. At least this dog owner is breaking the mould by asking himself whether his dog's actions might be wrong. A brief consideration of the effect on other people will provide the answer.

 Nicole Roberts I have a male dog, he is not allowed to lift his leg and I have trained him to pee and poo in the gutter (he's not technically a "smart" dog) so everyone should train their dogs like this!

 Vasilis Karaiskos I love New Town problems! So first world!