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Pluvial measures

Dear Spurtle

It seems that we are currently in receipt of record amounts of rain.

Whilst it has certainly been somewhat moist of recent weeks, I have
been unable to compare precipitation levels with previous years due to
the media's fetish for using only metric units.

Perhaps you would care to more fully inform your readers by converting to inches in future reports?

It is claimed that many younger people may not be able to understand these – but they can easily learn.

John Eoin Douglas
(Spey Terrace)


Dear Mr Douglas

We regret to hear of your difficulty understanding our weather reports.

In order to help those who have not yet adapted to modern measures, and to advance the cause of mutual incomprehension across the generations, we propose in future to report rainfall in pre-imperial Scots gills, chopins, mutchkins and jougs.

We trust you will find this an acceptable compromise.

Best wishes from all at

The Spurtle