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Submitted by Editor on

Hogmanay went with a bang in Broughton, which was all very good fun for we sophisticated urban types.

It wasn't so much fun for a timid, country dog who was visiting the area with friends and got the fright of his life.

Glen – a 1-year-old, black-and-white Border Collie – took off at high speed along Dundonald Street at around 11.30pm and has not been seen since. He could now be just about anywhere, but was last seen heading south towards Inverleith or Trinity.

Unfortunately, Glen wasn't wearing a collar at the time, but as this photo shows, he's highly distinctive. He's quite tall and slender, with a black patch over his brown eye, and a white patch over his blue one. He has a white tip to his tail.

If you see him, or know of his whereabouts, please contact: Mob. 07989 587323 or email
