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Rabbits have thrived in Scotland ever since their introduction here by the Romans.

Likewise bawties, mappies, moups, moppies and dear little leprones.

In part this has been due to their intense joie de vivre; in part to their encouragement by the Normans, who began husbanding them in underground Hefner Mansions known in Scots as conyngares from at least the 1400s.

Nowadays, rabbits continue to flourish in Edinburgh, particularly on Tesco shelves where their numbers have increased amazingly since Boxing Day in anticipation of Easter.

On Broughton Street we find further evidence of rabbits’ ability to survive and prosper, even in the city centre.

Artisan Roast’s resident A-board artist has combined natural history with a road-safety message in this unusual study of a buck dragging an injured doe from the middle of the highway to the kerb.

We understand that the casualty on whom the work is based later made a full recovery, which is just as well for all those of us who love a hoppy ending.