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Make a note in your diary! 

The New Town Community Cinema will launch its 2016 programme at an event on Friday evening, and you're invited. 

Doors open at the Glasite Meeting House (33 Barony Street) at 5.00pm – just so that interested bodies can wander in out of the cold, mill about, blether, and admire one of this area's most interesting and historic buildings.

Then the presentation kicks off at 6.30pm, detailing a new vision, programming team and movie choices. There'll be a chance afterwards to give your feedback about the cinema's current and future direction ...  What films to show, when to show them, themes, events, talks, new ideas, anything else you think could be helpful.

The first screening of the New Year will be next week.

Spurtle thinks the NTCC is a brilliant idea, and a creative use for one of Broughton's main architectural assets. We want it to thrive. See you there!