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City of Edinburgh Council has apologised for mistakenly distributing inaccurate information about plans for waste management in the West End and New Town.

In an email to residents issued at 5.15pm yesterday, Services for Communities explained that draft proposals for bin locations had been wrongly released in the form of traffic order notices.

In some cases, the proposed method for waste management – wheelie-bins or gull-proof bags – had been misidentified. In fact, work to determine which method would work better where is not complete.

Spurtle carried the story about draft plans on Monday (Breaking news, 18.3.13). At the time, we thought it was strange that certain sections of the public were receiving important information well before others. We decided to even things out by publishing all the plans relevant to the Broughton area.

However, it appears that cock-up not conspiracy explains the Council's partial distribution of unreliable information. 

Officials are now investigating how the error occurred, and have promised that In future they will coordinate the 'appropriate' release of all information through the Modernising Waste team, using an online electronic map.

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