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There was ample evidence that Edinburgh people have warmed to their shiny new trams when enthusiastic crowds attended a 'roadshow' (trackshow, surely?) in St Andrew Square this lunchtime.

From midday onwards, the curious, adoring and easily pleased pored over every detail. We spoke to two more exacting wheelchair users who pronounced themselves satisfied with the access arrangements.

Fathers were particularly evident in the drivers' cabins, determinedly preventing their toddlers from touching the wrong buttons by holding them back with one hand whilst pushing all the wrong buttons with the other.

The event was trailed as the public's opportunity to try out the bell. The public was not disappointed. Spurtle monitored the resulting cacophony for 20 minutes, and conservatively estimate it was rung at a rate of 48 times per minute per tram. That translates as 11,560 times over the two-hour duration of the event.

No wonder a member of the Edinburgh Trams staff conceded, with a wan smile, that 'It's the sort of thing that could begin to get on your nerves'.

Spurtle was pleased to learn that whilst the characteristic warning Glong! is activated by the driver using an electronic red button, the noise genuinely emanates from a real bell being hit by something metal somewhere inside. We got lost in the technical details at this stage and stopped listening.

When the tram service starts running next Saturday, a single adult ticket will cost £1.50 for any journey in the City Zone between York Place and Ingliston Park & Ride. A ticket to the airport will set you back £5 for a single or £8 for an open return. Daytickets and Family Daytickets for unlimited 1-day travel on buses and trams will also be available.

Do not try and buy a ticket on the tram. You can’t. You will be charged an eye-watering £10.