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Twelve parents and staff from Broughton Primary School will take part in the Hairy Haggis Team Relay at the end of this month. 

In doing so, they will not only cover themselves in glory and blisters, but raise money for the school. 

Four teams of three will cover the 26.2 miles, each team running a particular leg of the Edinburgh Marathon Route from Regent Road to Musselburgh via Gosford, which is practically in Denmark (see map below).

The school's PSA funded the entry fees with the proceeds of a recent lunchtime café, and the whole school is now getting behind the particpants as the day of reckoning approaches (31 May).

Kirsti, cajoler-in-chief, is a keen marathon runner. But some others lack any long-distance experience whatsoever. Fortunately, the course is quite flat, which sounds ideal for those with little or no inclination.

Some of the pupils are also taking part in the shorter Junior event which takes place the day before.

If you'd like to spur on the teams with the jingle of silver or the rustle of notes, email:  Use the same address if you're a local business and can offer a raffle prize for Broughton PS's summer fair on 6 June.


 New Town Flâneur ‏@NewTownFlaneur 

@theSpurtle The move to Broughton appears to have done Chewbacca the world of good.

Bailielife ‏@Bailielife

@theSpurtle So, Jim Murphy DID find a new job

@NewTownFlaneur @theSpurtle I don't remember canvassing him...