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The Scottish Government yesterday launched a map breaking down the incidence of Scottish house fires by postcode. We look at these from a Spurtleshire perspective, i.e. those areas in which we report, distribute or take a keen, neighbourly interest.

In 2011–12, four areas of Edinburgh were in the worst category, suffering 70 or more fires. They were: EH4, EH6 (Leith and Newhaven), EH7 (between central Edinburgh and Leith) and EH14.

The EH1 area (including the St James Centre, Leith and Broughton Streets) suffered between 10 and 14 fires.

EH3 (which, bizarrely, includes the New Town north of Queen Street as well as the West End, Tollcross and Fountainbridge) suffered between 30 and 39 fires.

Postcode areas EH2 (The New Town between Princes Street and Queen Street) and EH29 suffered no fires at all.

According to the Scottish Government's 'Fire Statistics 2011–12' (published last month and available as a pdf at the foot of this page), the commonest cause (45 per cent) of fatal fires in Scottish homes was smokers’ materials and matches. For non-fatal casualties it was cooking appliances (58 per cent). In 17 per cent of home fires, 'impairment due to suspected alcohol and/or drugs use was a contributory factor'.

'Historically, as we go into the winter months we see a rise in the number of accidental dwelling fires,' said Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Deputy Chief Officer Alex Clark at yesterday's event. 'This can be for a number of reasons: from people spending more time in their homes to an increased reliance on electrical products like heaters, tumble dryers and electric blankets, and the use of log and coal-burning fires.

'If you smoke or drink at home this also raises your risk of a fire and we would remind you to be extra vigilant. If you’ve been drinking, avoid cooking. It’s a common cause of accidental house fires and your ability to respond in an emergency will be impaired by alcohol.'

Fire Service personnel making Home Fire Safety Visits (lasting about 20 minutes) assess risks and offer advice for free. To arrange one, text FIRE to 61611 or visit 
