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Albany Street-based developer Kingsford Estates Ltd has applied for Planning consent to change the use of 76 Dublin Street from a newsagent to a letting agent's office (Ref. 13/05128/LBC). 

Work at the property would involve a new stair, partitions, and basement windows and doors. It would provide for offices, a meeting room, tea preparation area and loo.

No. 76 is the Category A-listed site at the junction of Drummond Place, run as a corner papershop by Fazal Mohammad until his untimely death in July 2012 (Issue 209). It has been mostly empty since.

Kingsford Estates is the same developer behind plans to redevelop 154 McDonald Road for residential use.


The Edinburgh Nursery wants to change the frontage of its newly acquired (and surprisingly spacious) former carry-out premises at 3 Beaverhall Road (see floorplan at Ref. 14/00147/FUL). 

Timber-framed windows with double-glazing and astragals are proposed to replace the existing plate glass and metal shutters, meaning that darling tots’ joyful squawks will not disturb passing fire-engine drivers with the blues-and-twos on, and slow-to-adapt locals will be less likely to wander in looking for a fish supper.

For future reference, pictured here is a school of fish. They are swimming in a coordinated fashion in one direction, and are therefore probably undergoing some form of education.

Pictured below is a shoal of fish. Note the aimless way they wander about, just enjoying themselves and not learning anything useful. You can eat these with impunity.

Do you have views on issues to do with planning, nursery education or fish suppers? Tell us by email  Facebook Broughton Spurtle or Twitter @theSpurtle

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