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Happy days, Spurtle Readers!

Recognising you as the sort of discerning customers any business would be proud to have more of, the Magnum Bar and Restaurant on Albany Street is offering a 15% discount on orders with food between now and the end of May.*

All you have to do is say ‘Spurtle’. We know – it’s incredible, but it’s also true. For the avoidance of any doubt: you do have to be in the Magnum and talking to a member of staff at the time.

Meanwhile, for those of you looking for something classy to do with your deep-fat fryer this weekend, why not try this delicious-looking recipe? It's a tantalising taster from the Magnum’s menu of Scottish dishes using best local produce and traditional flavours.


Ingredients: Pea brûlée
60g of frozen peas, cooked and refreshed
140ml of cream
2 large egg yolks
1 tbsp of sugar, plus extra for the brûlée
1 sprig of fresh mint, chopped
butter, for greasing

Ingredients: Scotch eggs
250g smoked haddock, cubed
2 large floury potatoes, peeled
25ml of light olive oil
6 quail eggs**
1 chicken egg
50g of flour
100g of breadcrumbs
white wine vinegar
vegetable oil, for frying

Preheat the oven to 125ºC /gas mark 1.5
For the brûlée, bring the cream to the boil and then remove from the heat. Combine in a blender with the peas and sugar until smooth. Add the egg yolks and blend again thoroughly.
Lightly butter 4 ramekins, and evenly distribute the brûlée mix between them. Place in a bain-marie of cold water and cook in the oven for 20 minutes until just set. Remove from the oven and leave to cool, still in the water.

To make the Scotch eggs, first boil the potatoes until softened (20 minutes) and then mash them.

Heat the olive oil in a pan on a low heat and add the diced Haddock. Cook for about 5 minutes, stirring to make sure the haddock cooks evenly. Using the back of a fork, flake the fish & add the mash and mix until combined. Allow to cool.

Cook the quail eggs in boiling water and a dash of vinegar for 3 minutes, remove, drain and plunge into iced water. Peel as soon as cooled. (The vinegar makes this easier.) Take a small amount of the potato mix in the palm of your hand, and using your thumb make an indent big enough for the egg to fit into. Close your hand around the egg so that you completely cover it. Repeat for the remaining eggs. Place the eggs in the fridge for at least 1 hour until firm.
Beat the chicken egg in a bowl. Dip each Scotch egg in the flour, then in the egg and then in the breadcrumbs to coat.

Preheat the vegetable oil to 175ºC in a deep fat fryer or large pan. Lower the eggs in and fry for 3–5 minutes until golden.


*   Subject to availability, and throughout the week, but not in conjunction with any other offer. Check first if in doubt.

**  Spurtle couldn't find quail eggs in small independent shops locally. They are available on ebay, Amazon, and larger Tesco, Sainsbury or Waitrose outlets.