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The large, green, mixed recycling bins arrived on the streets of Bellevue / Claremont in mid-February (Issue 237). City of Edinburgh Council (CEC) stated at the time that the trial was scheduled to last for 6 months – presumably finishing in mid-August. 

In mid-July, this upbeat press release appeared on CEC's website, and was reproduced in the Edinburgh Evening News as an article. 

The final paragraph indicates that the trial was not yet finished at that time. 

More questions than answers

However, since then, despite asking several times for more information on the progress of the trial and how the results are being evaluated, locals have not managed to obtain any response from CEC. 

Similarly, since the end of the trial period (presumably around a month ago), nothing further has been published about the results of the trial or CEC’s plans for future recycling.

On the other hand, throughout the trial period, we have continued to have sightings of recycling and landfill waste being emptied into the same lorry on the same round. Observers continue to find glass, black rubbish sacks and food waste mixed in with recyclables in the mixed recyling bins.

Given that no checks appear to be made before the bin is emptied (to ascertain whether the contents are ‘contaminated’ or not), we are very keen to understand what happens to the different streams. The two likeliest theories seem to be:

  • all rubbish (both from landfill bins and from recycling bins) is re-sorted at Powderhall before being dispatched to an appropriate destination;
  • the recycling stream is re-sorted by the recycling company at its destination.

Freedom of information request

In the hope of finally getting to the bottom of all this, Spurtle today made a Freedom of Information request to CEC, referring first to the press release/'article' of 20 July:

Please supply us with the evaluative data ('latest statistics' and 'new figures') plus any executive summary relating to that data on which Councillor Hinds's article and the press release were based. (By this, we mean background material in addition to that included in regular reports on landfill and recycling made to the Transport & Environment Committee.)

Please also address the following questions about recycling in Edinburgh:

1     What are the precise start and end dates for the Bellevue/Hillside tenement recycling trial?

2     What were the start and end dates for the two evaluations mentioned in Cllr Hinds's article?

3.1  How has the success or failure of these two evaluations been measured?

3.2   Is there a quantitative measure, and if so what is the comparator? What is the threshold for success?

3.3  Is there a qualitative measure? If so, how is the quality of what is collected evaluated, and what impact does this have on the success or otherwise of the trial?

4     What measures are CEC putting in place to ensure that in future the recycling bins are collected as a separate stream?

5     What percentage of the recyclable waste evaluated so far has been contaminated (i.e. mixed with unrecyclable waste)?

6     What percentage of recyclable waste was contaminated by being added to unrecyclable waste in bin lorries?

7     What happened to any contaminated recycling – was it sorted or all sent to landfill?

8      Is it the contractor or CEC which pays to: (a) sort out contaminated recycling; (b) send contaminated recycling to landfill?

9.1   What has been the cost of sorting out contaminated recycling?

9.2   What has been the cost of sending contaminated recycling to landfill?

We’ll update you when we hear back. In the meantime, please continue to keep us updated with your observations on landfill and recycling collections in this area.

Got a view? Tell us at and @theSpurtle and Facebook


 Euan MacGuzzi McGlynn More rubbish from EDC they know nothing regarding refuse disposal, why am I still on plastic bags which are ripped to bits by gulls.

 Michael MacLeod And they guilt trip is about landfill tax. This isn't worth over £100 per month.

 Patrick Hadfield I had no idea it was simply a trial. The rollout has been farcical. Neighbours regularly put non-recyclable items in the large recycling bin. The regular, alternate pick ups of glass and cardboard have continued, leaving everyone confused. (Bellevue Terrace, EH7.)

  Lesley Hinds ‏@LAHinds 

@theSpurtle e-mail me with your questions and I will get answers.

Broughton Spurtle ‏@theSpurtle 

@LAHinds At 5.15pm today, witnessed CEC lorry (Reg. SN09BDO) mix recycling waste from Melgund and Bellevue Terraces with landfill waste

Broughton Spurtle ‏@theSpurtle 

@LAHinds from E. Claremont St. When questioned, driver's mate said 'Don't worry about it', but then drove past a second landfill bin ...

Broughton Spurtle ‏@theSpurtle

@LAHinds without stopping. Not sure all CEC staff are taking Bellevue trial seriously. Lots of previous questions not answered, so ...

Broughton Spurtle ‏@theSpurtle  

@LAHinds now seeking answers in very measured, unmisunderstandable way via FOI. But thanks for the offer.

Lesley Hinds Lesley Hinds ‏@LAHinds 

@theSpurtle if you have not had questions answered I would be interested who has not responded

Broughton Spurtle ‏@theSpurtle

Locals at @NTCleanStreets sought precise answers to queries from you in March, @LAHinds, but were disappointed by cut-&-paste amswers from website.

Broughton Spurtle ‏@theSpurtle

Tried @LAHinds again later via City Centre Cllr @jomowat, but again no joy. Not trying to be political: we all want recycling to succeed.

@theSpurtle @jomowat yes we all do want recycling to succeed