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Many thanks to Rhys Fullerton, who caught these beautiful images in the Botanics yesterday. 

‘I spotted it posing and keeping warm in the temperate lands glasshouse and got within half a metre of it,’ he told us later. 

The bird was obviously fascinated by Fullertons artistic displays.

For more on robins, see Miles Forde’s article in Issue 247, p.3. 

Meanwhile, in related news, Liz Ballantyne contacted us today to report her sighting, yesterday and this morning, of waxwings in Pilrig Park. She wonders whether they portend a cold snap.

Spurtle visited at midday, and saw … not a dickie bird … of any description.

We are therefore consoling ourselves with Miles Ford’s article from January this year available here

If you have bird sightings from anywhere in and around Broughton you’d like to report, we’d love to hear  them.

Tell us at and @theSpurtle and Facebook