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Annandale Mosque is honoured to appoint Mrs Nasim Azad as a committee member, writes Imam Hassan Rabbani.

She is the first woman to be appointed – a move by which we hope to further diversify our representation.

On becoming a committee member, both the Mosque and Nasim have made history in that Annandale is the first mosque in Edinburgh to have a female committee member.

Understanding and cohesion

Nasim said, ‘I am incredibly honoured to be an integral part of this particular mosque as I took my first class here in the mid-1980s.

‘Since then I’ve been a patron here. I’m extremely positive this appointment will allow the Mosque and myself to work together in bringing a greater understanding of Islam to the wider community, while at the same time working with other organisations so that real community cohesion can take place at all levels to enhance the lives of those around us insha’Allah’.

Education and community activism

Of Pakistani background, Nasim is originally from England but has been in Edinburgh for over 30 years. Her professional employment was in health education before she married and settled happily to raise her three children.

As her children grew older she had time on her hands and became a community activist, first as a co-founder of Beyond the Veil – a Muslim Women’s group based here in the capital. Through this, she and her group members have worked extensively with schools, Police and many other community and statutory organisations in relaying accurate information on Islam, especially about Muslim women.

She’s spoken at countless events on a range of topics including women’s rights and forced marriages, highlighting the importance of tackling Islamophobia and much more. 

Nasim has boldly highlighted issues around abuse, specifically sexual abuse within the ethnic minority communities, speaking openly at community events, Mosques and Parliament. 

Her love for interfaith work is a high priority. She attends many occasions to gain knowledge and a deeper understanding of the faiths around her, at the same time sharing her own faith with pride. She has recently been appointed Co-convenor of the Edinburgh Interfaith Association

Recently, Nasim has taken up employment with the Council of British Pakistanis (Scotland) where she works alongside Mr Mohammed Akram, President of CBP(S). She also works part time at Bright Choices, an organisation that helps ethnic-minority men, women, children, families and communities who experience difficult relationships by offering practical and emotional support to help build confidence.

Faith and interfaith commitment

On a personal note, she loves to be involved with as many charities as possible to help with their fundraising – be it for a Mosque or for orphans. When time allows, she volunteers at the local Foodbank, runs children’s activity classes, and arranges events that encourage communities to embrace the spectacular green spaces we have available to us in Scotland.

Nasim says she is constantly asked ‘Why do you do all this? What is that driving force?’

She answers simply: ‘My faith … Who I am today, where I am today, what I do today have been due to my faith. Islam has allowed me to reach my full potential. I thank Allah swt for giving me the opportunities, a kind and compassionate heart, a whole host of friends from all backgrounds to encourage me, but most importantly a very supportive family’.
