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Anyone who thought they had seen the last of this remarkable structure at 8 East Scotland Street Lane should think again.

In August last year, the Council refused retrospective planning permission for the building, and in November ordered its removal. In December it dismissed an appeal against that decision. In March of this year, a Scottish Government Reporter resoundingly dismissed another appeal, this time by the developer against the Council’s Enforcement notice. The Reporter observed that ‘I am satisfied that what has been built is not what has been permitted’ (Breaking news, 13.3.14).

Now, however, developer Dermot Ferrigan has returned to the fray like a rubber phoenix from the jaws of defeat, and seeks planning permission to change the building's use from a ‘domestic garage’ to ‘office accommodation’ (Ref. 14/01419/FUL).

The proposal would, theoretically, entail a reduction from one (internal) parking space to none. 

Local residents will doubtless have their own thoughts on the continued existence of this building, and on the desirability of further commercialisation along what was until recently an undisturbed access lane. We expect many of them will object once again.

Now, whilst Spurtle cannot pretend to possess a detailed knowledge of planning regulations, it would strike us as illogical if what has consistently been found not to be a garage were then accepted as such even only on paper and converted for other purposes.

It's not a garage; it is a non-compliant structure with which most people we've spoken to long ago lost patience.

Surely, the simplest course of action, and the clearest token of a coherent planning process, would be to knock it down.