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The sun is out, the sky is blue, and the June issue of your local independent stirrer is bursting from the presses like ragwort out of an A-listed palace frontage.

In Issue 219 we begin with fudge – or rather the smell of a fudge in the curious verbal slippage between what developers and Council Planners say when describing the same project but with different agendas. This is a story with major implications for the East End of Edinburgh and is currently as clear as a jacuzzi full of octopus ink. (Fudge-smelling octopus ink, obviously.) We recommend close attention.

Page 1 also features a new minister (the first known photo), dim views of a city vision,  tramworks and Shrubhill updates, and light at the end of the tunnel for how major new developments in Edinburgh are made publicly accountable.

On page 2 we take a deep breath and plunge into pavement vomit, gralloching, soiled nappies, pumps, a case of possession and a comedy cat. (Just your average Friday night on Broughton Street, then.)

Pushing deeper into the interior, we move on to cases of mistaken identity, (free) sources of serious injury for young people under expert supervision, pastures new, the deplorable and the dangerous, Council consultations, bicycle racks, bus lanes and a ‘brazen’ bookend.

An armillary sphere graces page 4, followed by steamed spinach and Grant Stott. Oh yes, and even more free opportunities for young people to exercise healthily and do themselves a permanent mischief in the process.

All this and more in 4 action-packed pages of hyperlocal news, available from tomorrow across Broughton’s newsagents and galleries, pubs, eateries, hair salons, pop-ups of no fixed abode, bicycle shops, fishmongers, greengrocers, pubs, clubs, cafés and out-of-the-way corners you thought you only knew.

From tomorrow morning (Saturday 1 June) you can also download it in colour by clicking on the front-page image at the top-right-hand corner of our home page.

This month’s Spurtle is the combined effort of around 30 local people. Some write, some photograph, some rootle about for news, some help deliver, some simply give useful feedback or come up with really good ideas for others to pursue. Whatever your interest, however much time you have to spare, we’re always eager for your input ...

Contact us via email: Twitter: @theSpurtle Facebook: Broughton Spurtle

Alternatively, drop us a line at Spurtle, c/o Narcissus Flowers, 81 Broughton Street, Edinburgh EH1 3RJ