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It's almost August, the Festival is nearly upon us, and Spurtle’s Issue 221 is about to burst onto Broughton's boulevards in a 4-page format specially designed for all your midsummer needs.

This month’s copy folds handily into a prod for ushering short-term tenants in and out of your property, and can conveniently be rolled for shouting orders to native staff over the heads of inappropriately tall foreign teenagers. Whilst waiting hours for cack-handed tourists to fumble their change onto the floor of the No. 8 bus, we recommend you use it to swat imaginary seagulls from their shoulders, and – if all else fails – escape international exchange by gorging on its distillation of up-to-the-minute hyperlocal news, half-baked opinion and insider gossip.

This month we start with unbearable noise levels and the continued shortage of spots to dump sofas, further controversy surrounding Leith Walk, and the glimmerings of a Council plan to park more pupils in Broughton Primary. Things get a bit woolly before we move on to matters military, zigzagged, variously floral, benchmarked and fishy.  

We have art, buses, exchangables, loud protests, collapses, openings, and Amazing Gracies. We have tips from the Big Apple, postal controversy and a potted pensioner. If it’s eye-swivelling expense or a Fringe for the footsore you’re after, look no further.

Spurtle will appear at the start of the month in outlets across the length, breadth and depth of Broughton. We’re talking the usual gallimaufry of bars, libraries, bike shops and hair salons, galleries, cafés, delis, dens of vice, marshmallow emporia, chocolate and pickle shops, gift, fashion and accessory vendors, newsagents, ice-cool drop-dead-gorgeous fishmongers, and all those peculiar little places with dirty windows you’ve never dared go into.

Alternatively, you can download a full-colour pdf from our Home Page.

Spurtle is researched, written, produced, distributed and administered entirely by local volunteers operating on a wig and a prayer. However little time you have to spare, we always welcome new ideas, fresh blood and fit legs ...

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