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The next print edition of the Spurtle has been written up, locked down and is now printing off ready for distribution at the start of next month.

February's Issue 226 – in black-and-white and the size of a skilfully condensed, 19th-century, Russian novel – contains 4 pages of flaws, legs, temptations, wrong-doing, theft, pongs, unravelling of the truth, memory and death.

Not to mention: holes, limits, defeat and splurging.  

We also cover roosting fairies, fitness, the Falklands and froth. Plus saturation, buttocks, bikes, bondage, and the curious spread of moustaches and monocles from the West.

It can be yours, free, and will be available across Broughton in bookshops, libraries, eateries, drinkeries, bicycle repair shops, hair salons, greengrocers, fish shops, newsagents, galleries and the backpockets of people who took the last one in the pile just before you could.

Alternatively, you can download Issue 226 in full-colour black-and-white from our Homepage at 8.30am on Saturday morning.

We always need readers' input – as gossipmongers, experts, writers, photographers, distributors and informed local observers. If you'd like to help, please email: