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It’s nearly December, and Issue 280 is already emerging from the presses into an Edinburgh deep in crisp and even snow, loud with the clink of sleigh bells, steamed by the breath of reindeer on every corner. Or perhaps those weren’t wild Chanterelles after all.

Page 1 leads with a George Street re-imagined by optimists, a Council parks policy muddled and self-contradictory, and a Pilrig man set in stone. We have more setts on page 2, and more problems in parks (plus signs of improvement). There’s a setback for Planning reformers, policemen gone AWOL, new bulbs and notable local women referenced in print.

Page 3 looks up to a foxy lady, down to an unfortunate limp, behind to a camera-shy activist, and forward to the aspirations of Picardy residents longing to be listened to. We cover birthday celebrations, teenage boys with other people’s bikes, shipping crates, rubber kerbs and fly tipping with style.

Page 4 launches with trams and pedestrian crossings, travels where eagles don’t fear to bed, celebrates 30 years of downhill progress, considers even more shipping crates, and concludes with the joy of compost heaps.

All in all, it’s a standard news-filled Spurtle, wrapped in reporting, notably short of fake Christmas cheer.

You can pick up a copy at: all the usual Broughton shops and eating/drinking establishments; newsagents; galleries; McDonald/Stockbridge/Scotland Street/Central Libraries; park benches; bus seats; police boxes and hair salons.

If you prefer your news in e-colour, download a sleet-resistant pdf at our Homepage from 1 December onwards.

Got a story? All items – large and small – concerning Broughton and beyond are gratefully received. Contact us at or on Twitter @theSpurtle