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Submitted by Editor on

Kingsford Developments Ltd’s plans to build a new electricity substation and ‘summer house’ outside 154 McDonald Road have been withdrawn today (Ref. 15/03183LBC).

The proposal, first reported here on 14 July, immediately drew opposition from those who thought it would ruin the Category B-listed building’s north elevation facing Broughton Road.

This was the side that the Reporter, on appeal in 2014, suggested would be improved by Kingsford’s soft landscaping in a site with very limited open space elsewhere.

Parents of children at Broughton Primary School were also none too pleased. Some expressed suspicion at the timing of the application, coming as it did bang slap in the summer holidays.

Grounds for objection

Many objectors were concerned at the potential health implications for P1/P2 children in the adjacent playground.

Few could understand why the need for this substation had not been considered earlier, or why it could not be situated elsewhere in the building, for example the voluminous basement.

There was almost universal criticism of Kingsford Developments Ltd’s lack of consultation with local stakeholders in advance. 

Sixteen letters of objection were sent to the Council, and none in support.

The New Town & Broughton Community Council and Ward 12 councillor Nick Gardner were also actively opposed to the development.

This is another low point in Kingsford’s fractitious relationship with the local community. They must now return to Albany Street and think again.

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 Roberta Buchan Spurtle did well highlighting this and keeping on the case.

 Sandra Bagnall Whoop!