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Zsuzsa and Jerry Farrell were at the Croall Place police box this morning, drumming up support for a new initiative by local people. 

Leithers Don’t Litter (LDL) aims to beautify Leith by encouraging its inhabitants to tackle mess head on. They have a three-point action plan when it comes to the problem:

  1. Whenever possible, pick up the rubbish and bin it yourself.
  2. For bigger messes, report the exact location of the problem – be it overflowing bins, dog fouling, fly tipping – to the Council
  3. Take a photo and send it to LDL. They'll post before and after pictures as proof of what a difference locals can make.

Zsuzsa and Jerry started taking action two-and-a-half weeks ago when they got sick and tired of listening to themselves moan on about the state of their beloved Leith. They began cleaning up their own street, then tackled nearby parks, and then started on Leith Walk itself.

Now they’re approaching the Council for help with equipment and special uplifts after targeted tidies by members of the public.

They already have 600 followers on Facebook, and collected a further 60 names this morning alone.

There’s clearly an appetite for change, and they’ve been heartened by the attitude of everyone from teenagers to young mums and dog-walkers.

This evening, the pair will be interviewed on STV’s Fountainbridge Show at 7.05pm.

To find out more, visit the website at: