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Malcolm Fraser Architects – one of the best-known and most respected architectural practices in Edinburgh – has gone into liquidation.

MFA was founded by Malcolm Fraser (pictured below) in 1993 and employs 15 people at its 28 North Bridge HQ. The office closed earlier today on Monday.

In a statement released late this evening, Fraser said:

The work we did is beautiful and important.  However we have been unable to make it profitable.  I am immensely proud of what we have done over 22 years and the influence it has had.  I hope my colleagues here, and the clients and ongoing work we had, will continue with other architectural practices.  I, myself, will continue as an independent Consultant, but will also work with other architects, including on existing, long-gestating projects.

The latest online summary of accounts (dated 28 February 2014) lists MFA with  assets worth £350,942, liabilities of £379,248, and net worth of £12,607. The figures appear to show a decline since 2008, with the financials flat-lining since 2014.

An industry insider told Spurtle: 'It's been difficult since the Crash, and as most of their work is public-sector the [profit] margins have been crushing. 

'It's a real shame as they had some nice work in the pipeline.'


MFA’s award-winning work has included new-build and conservation (often within the Edinburgh World Heritage Site), master-planning and construction.

Past projects include:

  • Pizza Express, Stockbridge (1998)
  • Scottish Poetry Library (1999)
  • Dance Base (2001)
  • Princes Street Framework plan (2003)
  • Scottish Storytellling Centre (2006)
  • HBOS, The Mound (2006)
  • Lyon & Turnbull Auction House (2006)
  • Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation (2014).

MFA had also drawn up exciting plans for the Collective Gallery on Calton Hill (Breaking news, 28.4.15).

Elegant solutions

The practice website profiles the firm’s design philosophy as follows:

Our designs attempt to foster rich human relationships with the natural and built environment. We focus on such issues as: orientation to sun, view and light; movement in and around a building; connections between internal and external spaces; and materials and their sensory impact. We believe that buildings can be as simple as is consistent with these aims, and that the architecture should nurture and fortify the positive actions and feelings of the people experiencing it.

MFA prided itself on finding elegant solutions to complex problems. Sadly, on this occasion, they seem to have run out of answers.

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[Middle photo: Katielee Arrowsmith, Creative Commons.]


Duncan Hothersall retweeted Broughton Spurtle

Sad news.

Jamie Szymkowiak retweeted Broughton Spurtle

Gutted. Malcolm's great & the practice does great work on traditional buildings, refurbs & housing!

 Lizzie Rynne ‏@CityCycling 

Lizzie Rynne retweeted Broughton Spurtle

Terrible news.

 Chris Gray ‏@scottishchris 

Chris Gray retweeted Broughton Spurtle

Sad news. Architecture as an industry continues to be in a precarious position...

This is such sad news. Great guy and I'm sure he'll still do amazing things.

@theSpurtle Really sad. I like the beautifully plain style of this housing in Pilton, which got a Saltire award 

Fiona C retweeted Broughton Spurtle

Such a shame to hear. They made lovely buildings.

Something deeply wrong with the way Scotland does development if Malcolm Fraser cannot flourish 

That's a real shame that Malcolm Fraser Architects has gone into liquidation. 

Some thoughts on the sad news about Malcolm Fraser Architects: 

Sad to hear Malcolm Fraser is going into liquidation. Fine architects.