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Scout leaders Evelyn Torrance and Ian Stewart were pleasantly surprised yesterday evening. 

They thought the chairs and screen in Broughton Primary School’s gym hall had been set up for a presentation telling parents about a forthcoming camp. 

Instead, they were themselves the focus of the occasion as Depute District Commissioner Roseanne Allison presented them with certificates marking over a hundred years’ worth of leadership between them.

Evelyn (a volunteer for 60 years), ‘Skippy’ (for over 40) and guests were then entertained by (pre-recorded) words of encouragement from founder Lord Baden-Powell and current Chief Scout Bear Grylls, a slideshow of more or less embarrassing photographs taken over the years, and cake.

Did we mention cake?

Scout numbers tend to wax and wane from area to area and time to time, but the Pilrig 5th Leith Scout Group is currently in very good shape. It has over 50 young people involved across the various age-groups, and 12 volunteer leaders.

Their next big adventure will be a week-long jaunt over the Easter holiday to Canty Bay (near North Berwick). We wish all concerned fine weather, freedom from strife, and (adults, especially) boundless patience.

Here is a taste of what they have to look forward to.