Scout leaders Evelyn Torrance and Ian Stewart were pleasantly surprised yesterday evening.
They thought the chairs and screen in Broughton Primary School’s gym hall had been set up for a presentation telling parents about a forthcoming camp.
Instead, they were themselves the focus of the occasion as Depute District Commissioner Roseanne Allison presented them with certificates marking over a hundred years’ worth of leadership between them.
Evelyn (a volunteer for 60 years), ‘Skippy’ (for over 40) and guests were then entertained by (pre-recorded) words of encouragement from founder Lord Baden-Powell and current Chief Scout Bear Grylls, a slideshow of more or less embarrassing photographs taken over the years, and cake.
Did we mention cake?
Their next big adventure will be a week-long jaunt over the Easter holiday to Canty Bay (near North Berwick). We wish all concerned fine weather, freedom from strife, and (adults, especially) boundless patience.
Here is a taste of what they have to look forward to.