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The nation’s attention may have been focused on Wimbledon recently, but more important things have been going on closer to home.

Drummond Tennis Club’s Mark Fergie gives us the low-down.

DTC entered five teams into the leagues this year and had mixed fortunes.

Ladies 1st Team finished bottom of Division 2, and it’s fair to say that it was a season of transition. Some new players came in and did well, especially Jenny who formed a decent partnership with Fiona.

Ladies 2nd Team will be disappointed missing out on promotion for the second season in a row. The early draws cost them in the end. Special mentions go to Rachel for having the best stats, Hanna for being best newcomer and forming a good combination with Emma and Claire who – having played with the most different partners – returned some decent performances. The team can certainly improve and I expect promotion next season to Division 5.

Men’s 1st Team (pictured below) finished with stats of 10 wins from 10, and 95 sets won from 112 played. Special mention goes to Calum Friar, who lost just one set over the season. He played mainly alongside our very own Roland Garros French folly Sebastian Menu, and together they formed a formidable pairing with a very adaptable baseline game from Calum.

Captain Jamie set his stall out early and got his rewards with a very strong team which had an average age of 32. Young at heart, some would say.

Division 3 beckons for the 1st Team next season, where more difficult opponents await.

Men’s 2nd Team recovered well from some early season disappointments to finish second behind Dunbar and gaining promotion to Division 4.

Lukas Michelbacher returned some good stats and was singled out for praise from team captain Danny.

Men’s 3rd Team first season in the leagues saw them unbeaten and winning promotion to Division 8.

Special mention to our new member Gaurav Sharma who came out with a lot of credit for his play this year. Also our young player Moray Stiven played some good tennis and he is certainly one for the future.

Jamie wanted to say how proud he was of the team performances, and emphasised that along with being a friendly sociable club, DTC also has a strong pedigree of tennis players. 

[Cropped image top-right, creative commons: StockArch]