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An exhibition of recent work by artist, café proprietrix and female-moustache enthusiast Ingrid Nilsson will open next week at Bon Papillon on Howe Street.

Nilsson's interest in whiskered women (see 'Sketch for Martuska', right) may have been reinforced by statues seen during this summer's holiday in Hungary, but stems originally from a newspaper photo of Amanda Knox dressed as a cat burglar. 'I was struck by the way the moustache added to how beautiful she looked rather than making her seem ugly or ridiculous.

'I think my "ladies" carry off the same effect, giving pause for thought on what we consider beautiful, and even our presumptions about gender.

'Apart from that, they also raise a smile. I have always thought that humour has a place in art.'

The show's topicality in 'Movember' is pure fluke, although husband Stuart is indeed taking part in the national charity fundraiser.

[img_assist|nid=3529|title=|desc=|link=node|align=right|width=200|height=199]Pictured right is the rather unsettling 'Bois d'Hélène', and below (possibly an insightful look at the perils of underdressing for the Scottish winter), 'Yer Feet's Too Big'.

While the exhibition runs, works by many Bon Papillon regulars will hang in the front café area. Look out for paintings by Mina Braun, Helena Emmans, Tom Sutton Smith, Senja Bownes, Fiona Wilson and Chris Brook among others.

[Ingrid Nilsson shows at Bon Papillon, 15 Howe Street, from 19 November to 24 December. Find out more: here.]
