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Mystery surrounds the identity of three female ‘yarn-bombers’ who this weekend wrapped the Canonmills police box in scarf and pompom.

The colourful additions appeared yesterday, locals told Spurtle, but no-one seems to know who was behind them.

We suspect a certain Dundas Street enterprise with previous form, but must wait until tomorrow to confirm.

The purpose becomes clear on closer inspection – a celebration of Dr Who’s 50th anniversary on BBC television.

The TARDIS – which stands for Time and Relative Dimension in Space – was the creation of Anthony Coburn who rewrote the sci-fi series’s first episode in 1963.

The name is now a registered trademark of the BBC, although the Metropolitan Police disputed rights to the image until a Patent Office ruling in 2002.

Do you know who's responsible for the Canonmills TARDIS? Or do you have a plausible theory? Let us know by email: Twitter: @theSpurtle  Facebook: Broughton Spurtle


    Steve Byrne I spotted three ladies busy with this around 8am on Saturday morning whilst driving my other half to the airport.
    Janice Johnson Fabulous tribute to The iconic best doctor, Tom Baker .

So very cool! “: Mystery yarn-bombing at Canonmills, Edinburgh"


I was visiting Edinburgh last weekend from Dublin. I saw three very attractive women carrying a very large scarf down the royal mile . My wife and I thought it was fantastic. Well done ladies! [Text from P. Lynch]