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Readers may remember the psychedelic paper collages of Bellevue resident Ewan Taylor, reviewed here during their exhibition at McNaughtan’s over two years ago (Breaking news, 11.6.11)

Twelve new and old works are now on show in the Victoria Bar (265 Leith Walk) for the next 2 months, once again revealing Taylor’s eccentric view of the world.

What that vision is defies definition. It is as though he sees Earth through the compound eye and sensibility of some alien insect. He revels in painstaking and peculiar juxtapositions, unsettling repetitions, eyes – hundreds and hundreds of them everywhere – staring back at one with unblinking curiosity. They are wonderfully odd.

Pictured above is 'Return of the Hero', and below 'King Jellyfish'. To see more, visit the website here.

Photo above: Jamie McAteer (Light Grey Photography)