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Submitted by Editor on

The eastern section of King George V Park is fenced off today and out of bounds.

Although not exactly a hive of activity this morning, this part of the park will remain shut for the next 4–5 weeks.

Safety concerns have required the closure whilst new play equipment is installed and a terrace of steps is constructed beside the long slide.

Closure over the summer holiday (and, potentially, the presence of unguarded plant and building materials at night) is far from ideal. However, unforeseen problems have repeatedly delayed work on the project earlier in the year.

As reported at this time last year (Issue 208), the improvements have been paid for in part by Friends of King George V and Scotland Yard Parks, partly by the Council, and partly by a grant from Biffa (the waste management people) via the Edinburgh and Lothians Greenspace Trust.



Email from J.S. Milne (10.7.13): With exquisite timing for the school summer holidays the playground at the park has just been closed for six weeks for new works to be carried out! Who was the genius at the Council who dreamt this one up – obviously not a parent with young kids looking for a safe place to play. But of course we will never know who the faceless one is – he/she should be asked for whose benefit this crazy decision was made.