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If you were in north or central Edinburgh yesterday afternoon, you cannot have failed to notice a cataclysmic thunderclap shortly after 3.00pm. 

Many of you will have paused to watch the shockwaves rippling across your latte, or wondered whether the end of the world would release you early from some oafish performance in a yurt clammy with comedians’ sweat.

But of course, it wasn’t the end of the world – merely a thunderbolt hitting 21 Pilrig Street.

Harald Tobermann (below-right) was gazing from an upstairs window some 10m away when the lightning struck. He says ‘It was probably the loudest thing I have ever heard in my life.’

The immediate effect was to knock out the Internet, phones and electricity in the houses nearest to impact. And then to cause a power surge through Tobermann’s property which kyboshed everything else.

No-one was hurt, although – with electricity briefly energising the entire building – one resident in the basement at No. 21 did receive a shock from a wooden door.

The strike caused a small smouldering fire, which fortunately was quickly spotted and extinguished.

Unfortunately, that minor damage did not match the havoc wreaked by firefighters who arrived shortly afterwards in four appliances and partially demolished the property looking for other concealed hotspots.

We salute their thorough professionalism.


Is today's deluge divine retribution for allowing St Andrew Square to become overrun by spritz drinkers?