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The sun keeps rising in and around Broughton at this time of year, and locals continue playing their merry organs as usual.

But as for the running of the deer, we haven't seen much sign of it.

The example pictured to the right appears in the Botanic Gardens shop, and is an animatronic model. It gives every impression of breathing heavily in its sleep, and from time to time snuggles deeper into the straw for comfort. Athletic it is not.

What about the glittery stag below, which appears in the window of the Phoenix on Broughton Street? To our mind, it looks to be stretching – catlike – after a long snooze. Or possibly practising exercises from the Alexander Technique. Not running though.

Our friends in the East, Jeffrey's Interiors on NW Circus Place, feature six young bucks in this wonderful Christmas display. They are clearly stationary.

Finally, Dick's, a little further up the hill, proudly show in their window this illuminated woodland arch, hand-carved in Germany.

We like it a lot, particularly its Teutonically forthright title 'Brunftzeit', which translates as 'rutting season'.

How appropriate in a shop of this name in the midst of so many office parties.

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