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Submitted by Editor on

After weeks of grey skies, bitter winds and horizontal sleet, Broughton basked briefly in sunshine on Good Friday. 

The change in weather brought numerous pallid joggers back onto the pavements for the first time since Christmas, and – out of the blue high above West Annandale Street – this unusual red squirrel skiing towards Newhaven.

Many thanks to Minie McIntosh who sent us the photographic evidence at around 6.30pm yesterday evening.

Today, normal service has been resumed with a dusting of snow overnight. 

The Met Office predicts a highest temperature of 4 ºC and a ENE wind reaching 6mph. Google predicts a high of 5 ºC and the chance of rain. MSN prefer showers, 9 mph winds and a low of -5 º 

If you capture images of unusual flying objects above Broughton, please send us the proof by  email: Twitter: @theSpurtle  Facebook: Broughton Spurtle