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The Liberal Democrat candidate in the forthcoming Ward 11 by-election is Alistair Hodgson, writes Lib-Dem Councillor Charles Dundas.

Alistair was raised in Edinburgh and educated at the Royal High School. He graduated in Law from the University of Glasgow (after a year in Copenhagen on a European exchange) – the main focus of his studies has been human rights, international law and immigration law. Alistair also holds a postgraduate degree in International Relations from the University of Bristol.

Alistair has worked for the Scottish Government’s Health Directorate on delayed discharge; NHS continuing care; and closer working between social work departments and the NHS. He currently works at the Jolly Judge on the Lawnmarket: a small, traditional, city-centre business with a very good reputation. In his spare time Alistair is an avid reader and keen rugby fan.

Commenting on his selection, Alistair said: 'I got involved in politics to make a change for the better in people’s lives. Everything that the Council does impacts on residents and I believe that local people need a strong voice speaking up for them on decisions like these. That’s why I’m a Liberal Democrat'.

Cllr Charles Dundas welcomed Alistair as the new candidate, saying: 'It’s a great honour to represent the very best ward in Edinburgh; from Holyrood to Haymarket, New Town and Old Town. No other part of the city can match it. I can’t think of a more capable candidate to join me in representing residents than Alistair.

'I also believe that it’s the Scottish Liberal Democrats who have the best track record in the leadership of the city.

'The SNP only care about separation from England and their party hierarchy in Holyrood tries to micro-manage every local decision. Under Labour’s last administration the Council’s reserves dropped to just £300,000 and Audit Scotland issued a serious warning about the Council’s ability to cope financially.

'Since the Liberal Democrats took control in 2007,' added Councillor Dundas, 'Council decision making has been opened up to a more democratic model, and the reserves are back to a healthy level with every department now on, or under, budget for the last two years. A first in the history of the Council.