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Residents, family, friends and staff are gathering this afternoon at the Letham Park Care Home on Ferry Road to open a new patio garden.

South-facing, and protected from the wind by a high wall, it is a green haven for those craving fresh air. Bill Fraser (pictured right with Manager Alison Cavender), steps outside to watch the rabbits and smoke a pipe three or four times a day 'come rain or shine'. He loves it here.

The patio was created by owners Renaissance Care earlier this year, transforming an overgrown and overshadowed corner of the garden into a bright and cheerful social space.

Bill's nephew, Paul McGinty, donated £500 towards a new all-weather blue suite and four wooden chairs; this in addition to £6,500 he has raised in the last year for the Alzheimer's Society through sponsored marathons. 'It's been a tremendous effort on his part,' says Alison, 'and all our people here are extremely grateful.'

Letham Park activities coordinator Callum O'Donnell took residents to Dobbie's to choose the furniture, pots, bulbs and some LED lighting, and helped as many as possible of them to get involved in their planting and positioning.

Renaissance Care runs 3 residential care homes in Edinburgh, and a further 4 across Scotland. Many of those now at Letham Park lived before in the Leith, Bonnington and Broughton areas, and like to keep themselves abreast of hyperlocal affairs via the Spurtle. Hence our pleasure at being asked to cover the story.