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Proposals by City of Edinburgh Council to restrict access in and out of Montgomery Street are the focus of debate. 

The plans (TRO 16/58 and RSO 16/13) seem to be under-explained measures connected to the forthcoming Phase 5 or Phase 6 of the Leith Project. 

Some locals are concerned that prohibiting motor vehicles’ right turns into Montgomery Street from Leith Walk could increase pressure on local streets, particularly London Road and Elm Row. By increasing the distance needing to be travelled, the change would add to pollution. 

Others counter that making it more difficult to enter Montgomery Street from this end would be a bonus. They say it is currently an overused and polluted rat-run.

A ban on entering Leith Walk from Montgomery Street would, say critics, add to congestion on other local side streets. They also worry that it would severely affect shopping habits on Elm Row, and cause further congestion at the London Road roundabout.

Others dispute this, saying that Elm Row could hardly be busier than it already is, and that the street is already congested around the clock by local business deliveries and the car trips of customers.

Finally, critics of the proposals say that time restrictions on loading and unloading on Leith Walk would handicap local businesses, particularly those like Tattie Shaw’s with ‘time critical fresh merchandise’.

Anyone wishing to comment should do so by Friday 21 October (or at the very latest over the weekend) at or by post to Traffic Orders, 249 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1YJ.

For the debate in more detail and advice about how to make your points effectively, see the Save the Junction Facebook page.


 Paul Burgess Right hand turns into Montgomery St block the traffic flow down leith walk.

 Bob Murphy Banning the right hand turns is a good idea. I've had far too many near misses at that junction thanks to late-indicating drivers heading down Montgomery Street and forcing those behind to swerve out into the other lane on Leith Walk in front of buses, or simply slam on their anchors bringing all the traffic behind to a halt. Redoing the layout and markings in that whole area, including those on the roundabout, is long overdue!

@theSpurtle I won't be upset to see the through traffic to/from Lochend strongly discouraged from going through Hillside