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Many Broughton residents will have been woken this morning by the sound of roofing contractors dancing in the streets. Damaging high winds have returned to the capital.

A survey of the neighbourhood reveals any number of smashed flower pots, overturned bins, large areas of torn felt and dozens of slates littering the ground.

On Great King Street, sections of fallen flashing have wrapped themselves around railings, whilst a portion of pavement outside Tesco on Broughton Road has been ineffectually sealed off with police tape. All the potentially dangerous slate slippages have occurred on the supposedly safe side of the barrier.[img_assist|nid=2574|title=|desc=|link=node|align=right|width=137|height=200]

By 1.00pm, the strongest gust in the capital had been recorded at 102mph. East Lothian is cut off from Broughton by a fallen tree at Jock's Lodge, and many international visitors will also be unable to visit the area due to the closure of Edinburgh Airport. The Royal Botanic Garden is closed until further notice.

For those wishing to establish meaningful relationships with Edinburgh's soon-to-be millionaires, we offer this link to all things which used to be overhead but probably now aren't.

-----Reaction on Twitter-----

David Rawson

Your Melgund Terr photo doesn't show recycle bins which blew away damaging cars along Bellevue St for 2nd time in a week.


Broughton Spurtle
Didn't realise they'd blown away. Thought locals had moved them round corner to more secure location. How much damage?

David Rawson
1 car on the 28th and at least 4 y'day. Neighbours car has scrape all down one side where bin was blown along pavement.