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Submitted by Editor on

News reached us last night of a serious incident at Broughton Primary School yesterday.

During extensive refurbishment of the roof, a chisel was somehow dropped and fell to the ground, only narrowly missing a classroom assistant in the playground.

We contacted the Council this morning, and a spokesperson issued the following statement:

'We take the safety of pupils, staff and parents extremely seriously and are looking into what happened yesterday to ensure there is no repeat.

'We have spoken to the contractors who have stopped working on the site until they establish exactly what happened.'

Most laypeople would expect contractors and their equipment to be separated from passers-by and their heads by a secure system of nets, planks and scaffolding. Even more so when those passers-by are easily damaged children.

No wonder parents at the school are concerned.

We will post further details as and when they become available.

Work began on the ageing school structure early last summer, and further works will begin when additional classrooms are added to the rear playground soon.