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New issue


Submitted by Editor on

As you read this, advance copies of the October Spurtle are already appearing across the barony.

Issue 333 begins with latest developments in 2 local planning sagas, one artfully tweaked, the other as flat-footed as before. We shed light. We also include news of rumbling giants in the New Town, which some locals love and others hate. Pillars of the community with local connections and an outing in Leith occupy the architectural/artistic slot on Page 1’s coveted top-right.


Submitted by Editor on

As you read this, advance copies of the September Spurtle are not spreading across the barony like confused tourists in unsuccessful search of a short-term let.

Instead, they remain twinkles in the eye of a printer, whose celebration of the recent English bank holiday has delayed the appearance of Issue 332 until the actual day of its official publication.

Expect to start seeing paper copies, moist with the sweat of anxious delivery pixies, from lunchtime tomorrow. In the meantime, there follows the customary unhelpful preview.


Submitted by Editor on

Like raindrops clattering off an Edinburgh summer parasol, advance copies of the August Spurtle are already spreading across the barony and will land somewhere near you soon.

Issue 332 marks this publication’s second strong start in a row by getting the month right on Page 1.

It continues with reports of flags (some of them absent), pop-ups (which didn’t), a peculiar pair (about to go under) and help for the hard-pressed from all walks of life.

Oh, and a beacon of hope … genuinely exciting news for those who care about local journalism across Scotland.


Submitted by Editor on

As you read this, advance copies of the printed Spurtle are already spreading across Broughton like traffic cones on a Canonmills footway.

July’s issue kicks off with a surprise refusal, a rug going nowhere, and things going bump, crash, hiss, rattle and squish in the night … for hours and hours and weeks on end. Also: violence, missing hands but no missing fingers.

Page 2 continues with bills, buses and a troubled frog. There’s news of no news in Gayfield Square, no news in Powderhall, an absence in East London Street, and a proposed reduction on Calton Hill. And bins.


Submitted by Editor on

As you read this, advance copies of the JUNE Spurtle are already sprinkling across Broughton shelves like American tourists in search of a bathroom.

Issue 329 begins with news of a falling pie, influential views, a droop-defying local artist and the uncertain intentions of a new Gayfield venue.


Submitted by Editor on

‘Absolute perfection belongs not to man, nor to angels, but to God alone’, said John Wesley in his Plain Account of 1766. Make of that what you will, but I’m sure we can all agree that absolute perfection certainly doesn’t belong to editors and proofreaders.

Take the 2nd edition of the Geneva Bible, for example, printed in 1562. Popular today with town planners, its mistaken version of Matthew v, 9 reads, ‘Blessed are the placemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.’


Submitted by Editor on

As you read this, surprise copies of the May Spurtle are already popping up across the barony like campervans on the forecourts of Fife.

Issue 328 begins with locals pleading for a good night’s sleep, a sad reflection, a grand span, disputed sunshine and some signs of the times.

Page 2 continues with yet another sign, this time the shrimp-gargling and nipple-tassel kind, followed by moves to ensure local voices are heard. Then we cover potential noise, bad drivers getting away with it, mounting costs and Fantasy Island fog.


Submitted by Editor on


As you read this, advance copies of the April Spurtle are already disappearing from local shelves like daffs at night from municipal flowerbeds.

This month we kick off with campaign news and determined locals who won’t take being ignored for an answer. We continue with the latest on efforts to keep a dear green space available to the local community, dip briefly into follicles, and conclude Page 1 with a sneak look at a project the developers would rather we didn’t bang on about.


Submitted by Editor on

As you read this, advance copies of the March Spurtle (Issue 327) are already spreading across the barony to cries of amazement from startled readers.

You, too, will gasp at disturbing news from Eyre Place and East London Street, where matters are not progressing as anybody expected. You, too, may swoon at the news of a former child star who’s now succeeding in two careers and on telly. It all started in Broughton.