It may be the work of one individual or the labour of many. We may be witnessing the incompetence of a rank amateur or the crowning achievement of a hapless professional.
It may be the work of one individual or the labour of many. We may be witnessing the incompetence of a rank amateur or the crowning achievement of a hapless professional.
Welcome to Edinburgh.
Cold but companionable.
#Calton Hill
#Arthur's Seat
The high life. Photographed at lunchtime today.
Cold and clear.
And vice versa.
But mostly cold.
The view from Calton Hill this lunchtime.
Very cold. Very clear. Intoxicating.
But some people just can't let go.
Torrential rain across Leith Walk ward today.
Sleet and snow forecast for many in Eastern Scotland overnight.
Bright and early.
These old-fashioned street lamps were illuminated not by electricity but sunshine earlier today.