It's complicated.
It's complicated.
A recent trip to London was enhanced by Siobhan Wall’s Quiet London, which details peaceful nooks in the metropolis. An Edinburgh version of the book seems a faintly absurd idea given that much of the city is sedate by the standards of most major cities.
Historic Edinburgh and a Mickey-Mouse Mickey Mouse.
Epic skies over Goldenacre tonight.
O death, where is thy sting?
(From our Foreign Correspondent.)
#out and about
On Thursday morning, we think, this little trickle of paint first appeared outside No. 28 East Claremont Street.
An indoor entanglement.
No. 37 in an occasional photo-series celebrating Spurtleshire street-name signs.
These important bits and pieces were spotted hanging from the railings outside 49 East Claremont Street yesterday.
If any reader knows the licence holder Mr Mirza Fahimul Islam, please let him know.