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Police Scotland issued a press release yesterday which we reproduce below unedited and in full.


Police Scotland have released images of a man they believe may be able to assist them with their enquiries into an assault which occurred on Greenside Place in Edinburgh at around 10pm on Sunday 27 November 2022. [IMAGES REMOVED FROM ARTICLE HERE ON 30 JUNE.]


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After 12 years in business, staff at The Beerhive are releasing their first beer, made in collaboration with the Closet Brewing Project.

Edinburgh-based Closet Brewing are one of the smallest micro-breweries (if not the smallest) in the country. Their name derives from the fact that the very first beers they made were brewed in a closet in their home!

They have now scaled up to their kitchen and this is where Peter Sherry and Beehive colleagues brewed the beer with them a couple of months ago. 


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Keasim Events Ltd wants planning permission for another pop-up Festival Village on the roof of Waverley Market this summer (23/02154/FUL). It would operate from June until 30 Sept, with an additional 6-week period for clearance and removal.

Keasmim promises local economic benefits, improved appearance, fittings and access to the site, and less people spill-over onto Princes St near to the bus stop.


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If you’re concerned that the person with dementia you care for may wander off and become lost, here is a useful stitch in time.

Download a Herbert Protocol form from Police Scotland here.

Once completed, the form includes details about the individual’s routines, habits, appearance and other people involved in their care. It should be accompanied by an up-to-date photo.


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Brutalist blushing.

No. 15 in an occasional photo series celebrating Spurtleshire street-name signs.




Memories of a community cinema

Dear Spurtle,

When I was about 10 years old, I used to travel from Pilton up to the Ritz Cinema on a Saturday morning to sing the song of the ABC minors along with an audience of other kids. 

I think there were various things on offer, but I only had enough for a bus fare either way and entry money. I think they occasionally showed a serial, but somebody else would need to confirm that. 

Everybody seemed to enjoy the singing, and you felt part of a community and more so as the Second World War had just finished.

Bob Sinclair



EDITOR:–The Ritz Cinema on Rodney Street, which opened in 1929, was the first movie theatre in Edinburgh designed to show ‘talkies’. It survived until 1981. Lee Dalgetty’s interesting synthesis about the ‘courting picture house’ appears on @edinburghlive here and includes archive film footage of the structure being built.

Do any other readers have memories of this Broughton institution’s life and times? If so, please contact us at:

Black-and-white photograph of the Ritz Cinema.


Tweets including readers' memories.