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The autumn mid-term break has come early this year on Broughton Road.

Parents and carers at the primary school opposite will unite in wishing Yossi a full and speedy recovery.

Preferably, before the really cold weather sets in.




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Christopher Spencer’s exhibition at the Out of the Blue Drill Hall has been extended till Thursday – sustained, it seems, by an inexhaustible font of outrage.

You, Me & Cold War Steve (The International Exhibition of the People) brings together three years’ scorn (2019–21) in the form of 50 artfully manipulated photomontages.

Spencer’s style draws on Hieronymus Bosch’s eye for infernal detail, and the exuberant savagery of Hogarth and Gillivray.


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If you find yourself on the path between Five Ways Junction and Lower Granton Road anytime soon, whap oot your smartphone and hae a wee swatch at this sign by the entrance to East Trinity Road Tunnel.

The QR code links to a spoken poem: ‘No Birds Land’, by Tamsin Grainger.

It’s about birds: their song, their chirps and chirrups, their presence or disturbing absence in this echoing drip-lined passage.

It is distinctly odd. Stuttering. Repetititve. Alliterative. Bird-ish. Occasionally squawky.


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A new phase of work in the Trams to Broughton project starts on Monday, 11 October.

As before, one line of traffic will run towards Leith from York Place.

But instead of a roundabout, there will now be a junction to go left into Gayfield Square, straight ahead down Leith Walk, or right into London Road.

Traffic will NOT be able to turn right out of London Road along Leith Walk. Anyone wishing to access Leith will have first to turn left and go up round the temporary construction site at Picardy Place before heading north.


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Acclaimed artist Victoria Crowe was at St Andrew’s and St George’s West Church this morning to raise awareness of the forthcoming Sale of Pictures and Scottish Books there later this month.

Crowe has donated two paintings for the sale: ‘Turn of the Season’ (which she is pictured  holding, below) and ‘Large Tree Group’ (even further below, held by an assistant).


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Since 1981, the Royal Scottish Academy (RSA) John Kinross Scholarship has afforded 10 students of art and/or architecture the chance to live and create in Florence for 3 months.

A few years later, an Academician’s bright spark saw works created during these Italian sojourns added (mandatorily) to a collection held by the RSA. Said hoard has swelled over the years until achieving national significance – who said you can’t have too much of a good thing?


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An eye-catching, thought-provoking, and well-executed piece of street-art has appeared at the Tesco end of the Rodney Street tunnel. For the full effect, see the foot of this page.

The work, by Mark Tremaine Agbi Okata’, was commissioned by Sustrans UK to mark Black History Month. It is one of eight pieces across the country’s National Cycle Network, created to highlight Scotland’s role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade. It’s an admirable initiative, which we applaud.