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New issue


Submitted by Editor on

As you read this, advance copies of the June Spurtle are already spreading across Broughton like crytospiridium through the lower digestive tract of an unsuspecting Devon holidaymaker.

For those who enjoy Edinburgh journalism and watery diarrhoea, local politics and abdominal pain, fever, occasional dizziness and dollops of local gossip, this is good news.

Page 1 begins with a square peg in a round hole (refused), deep breaths, the wide blue yonder and high hopes. Also fearsome drops for unfortunate drivers.


Submitted by Editor on

As you read this, advance copies of the May Spurtle (Issue 339) are already filtering across the barony like birch pollen from the nose of a violently sneezing hayfever sufferer.

We begin on Page 1 with a metaphorically mauled lion and some hypothetically possible but pricey play equipment. We have also a shift in boundary benefits and the post-industrial aesthetic of an appropriate typology mix.


Submitted by Editor on

As you read this, advance copies of the April Spurtle are already appearing across Broughton like sparrow droppings on the first washing line of spring.

On Page 1 we cover retirement with crystal clarity, put an end to speculation over a slow start, detail the limited appeal of too much in too little and report on Pot Noodles.

An EV gone rogue, unruly youths and gum-sucking forebodings feature on Page 2, as do construction sites, questionable design and a possible Festival quagmire.