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Submitted by Editor on

As you read this, advance copies of the August Spurtle are already appearing across the barony. Secure yours now before Greg Proops grabs the lot.

Issue 320 comprises tightly packed local news.

It begins, like Issues 1–319, with Page 1. We cover new homes many people will struggle to afford, bad parking, repulsion (for now) of an alien invasion, and the mixed joys of camelopards. Plus balls – more of them, more often, and more visible at night.

More letters needed

Dear Spurtle,

Your paper is useful, informative, important. It amazes me, however, there are not more letters in your letters section of your website

Why not have a prominent notification in the paper directing people where and maybe even why to send you letters? There are precious few!

Every newspaper needs feedback to encourage readers' debate. Also directing readers to your website opens up more space for info sharing etc.

Robert Mcdowell


Submitted by Editor on

Police in Scotland have issued the following press release. We reproduce it unedited and in full.


Police Scotland is appealing for information to help trace the next of kin of an 81-year-old man in Edinburgh.

Officers attended at Canon Street on Thursday, 2 June, 2022 after Alex Fulton passed away. There are no suspicious circumstances surrounding his death.