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The pleasures and perils of smorgasbords

Dear Spurtle,

As has been noted here previously, both the City Centre ward and the Leith Walk ward were blessed with a smorgasbord of candidates for the recent local election.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in Scotland, there were eight wards which were uncontested because not enough candidates had come forward. 

Arguably, the plentitude of candidates and the complexities of the STV system did not go down equally well in the two Spurtleshire wards.

The Conservatives' Jo Mowat was 'first past the quota' and re-elected in the City Centre ward straightaway, no doubt because well-informed voters were aware of her track record as a hard-working, attentive and fair-minded local councillor.

But the SNP's Rob Munn, in the next-door Leith Walk ward, was eliminated at Stage 12. This, despite his own party's recommendation to give him the first preference vote and his well-earned reputation as a decent politician with attention to detail and good local knowledge.

Harald Tobermann

Pilrig Street


Submitted by Editor on

The results for Spurtleshire below are drawn directly from the Council's website.

At this stage, we offer no analysis, other than to note that turnout seems to be in direct negative proportion to the number of hustings held in the area.

Perhaps seeing candidates in the flesh repels more voters than it inspires.


BANDEL, Jule – Scottish Green Party elected at stage 10

MITCHELL, Max – Scottish Conservative and Unionist elected at stage 7


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As you read this, advance copies of the May Spurtle are already spreading across the barony like half-frozen political canvassers ducking into shops to get out of the wind.

Page 1 begins with a glaring absence, a brilliant presence, and mind-boggling Council self-contradiction. It continues with confirmed plans for the Beaverlands, then tapers to a wobbling close on Leith Walk. No officials were harmed in the writing of these reports.


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If you’re passing Canonmills Newsagents this sunny Wednesday, pop in and congratulate Anwar and Ruby. Today, they’re celebrating 21 years in charge of the popular local shop at 3 Howard Street.

The pair first learned the business in partnership with Ruby’s sister Zahida and husband Mohammad (who later ran the M.A. Store on East Claremont Street) in Musselburgh.

Next, in 1985 they took over a newsagent in Colinton Mains, before switching to Canonmills in 2001.


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‘More like Just a Minute than University Challenge’ was how chair Carol Nimmo proposed Wednesday’s hustings for the City Centre ward should proceed. She presumably wanted candidates to avoid hesitation, repetition, or deviation and warned any who weren't succinct that they faced being dinged by the merciless Spurtle Bell.

Bin hubs – where are they working?

Dear Spurtle,

By just walking round the city, there is clear evidence that bin hubs not only look unsightly but encourage fly-tipping.  

Can any reader provide pictures of the new bins hubs (now installed for several weeks) which are not  graffitied or need emptied or have objects dumped beside them or have bins simply thrown within the railings?

If so, please share because all I see is our city streets looking more and more like dumping grounds.

Jane Thomson

Bellevue Road


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