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On Thursday last week, a tram reached York Place for the first time since 10 February – but just to test the newly reconfigured track.

Accompanied by dozens of tram contractors, the tram took the better part of an hour to inch its way from halfway along York Place to the current end of the tram line: a large planter at the top of Broughton Street. At points along the way, contractors measured the distances from the overhead line poles and the central reservation to crucial parts of the tram.


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Spot of bother for the St James Quarter

Is the St James Quarter starting to rust?

Rather surprisingly, the answer may be yes. At least parts of it, if one local’s misgivings prove correct.

Antony Jack lives close to the Quarter’s St James Square, and has been a long-suffering observer of its progress over the years.

In recent weeks, since colder weather has set in, Jack has noticed the appearance of these reddish-brown spots on the steps of the Grand Stair.


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As you read this, advance copies of the March Spurtle are already spreading in all directions across the barony like confused pedestrians trying to cross York Place.

Page 1 begins with the word ‘Last’ and ends with the word ‘objections’. In-between there are thoughts on green flags and where not to find one, Edinburgh’s air and where not to breathe it, proactive approaches to Picardy Place, and a hippopotamus in a hamster cage.


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Officials have recommended that the application to install temporary seating outside the Category A-listed 23 Elm Row be refused (21/05858/FUL). Councillors on the Development Management Subcommittee are due to consider the case on 2 March.

The applicant proposes a timber-decked outdoor seating area outside the Joseph Pearce bar and restaurant, with a pergola type structure for coverage.

Stumped – reward for information

Dear Spurtle,

I am sure you are familiar with the 'waste land' behind Drummond Lawn Tennis Club.

Some five years ago in that wasteland – see attached photos – I planted a plum tree, which disliked our garden nearby.

Last year it cropped for the first time – many baskets of blushing pink plums which were enjoyed by those walking up the lane.

Yesterday I found it a stump, first sawn and then snapped off. Deliberate, not casual. But why?

May I offer a £50 reward to anyone who can identify the tree cutter so that I can approach that person and ask that the tree be replaced?

Hugh Lockhart


(Tel. 0131 556 3743)

[Address supplied but redacted by the Spurtle.]

plum stumped